Multi-component injection molding

A multifunctional and
cost-effective solution

As one of only a handful of plastic companies in Denmark, we offer multi-component injection molding in both 2K and 3K.

With the casting of multi-component workpieces during the same process, our advanced process enables us to deliver a multifunctional and cost-effective solution to the customer. The production itself is fully automated and the 2K and 3K production enables a high degree of refinement while at the same time sharply reducing manual assembly. All with a focus on the final product.

Advantages of multi-component production

Combines several types of plastic in one mold

Chemical bonding between plastic types that provide water and dustproof joints

Adds value to the product.

Challenging designs can be solved and executed in one process.

A sharp reduction in manual assembly.

High performance and customized as needed.